
  • 48Vdc &220Vdc Modular parallel inverter Pasina Battery Pure Sine Wave Inverter 3kw Modular Inverter

    BWT-DT1500 serial 48Vdc &220Vdc modular parallel connection inverter is an inversion device that converts 48V dc/220Vdc power supplied by communication DC power supply into 220V/50Hz sinusoidal AC power. It is designed with complete isolation of input and output, and allows hot plugging and parallel connection redundancy. With small size and convenient parallel connection, it is a product specially designed for users with high requirements for power supply reliability and maintainability.

  • 19 Inch 110Vdc & 220Vdc Parallel Inverter Manual mushandisi Parallel inverter magetsi

    BWT-DT2000 parallel inverter yakanyatsogadzirirwa kushandiswa kwekuvimbika uye inodhura-inoshanda. & yakakwirira kuchengetedza magetsi. Inoshandisa zvizere (zvemagetsi) isolation inverters tekinoroji yekushandura yakananga ikozvino mumhando yepamusoro yakachena sinusoidal alternating ikozvino (AC),Rack gomo mhando nyore kuisa mu cabinet.

  • DC 48V 10000 Watt inverter 10KVA yakachena wave sine simba inverter telecom 4U rack gomo inverter

    Telecom DC 48V 10000 Watt inverter 10KVA chizvarwa chitsva chembiri mbiri inverter mhinduro yakagadzirirwa munda wekutaurirana maapplication., iyo inokodzera kuvimbika kwepamusoro kwehurongwa hwekutaurirana. Mhinduro yacho ine 110V/220V/230V AC magetsi uye 110V DC magetsi ekupa., iyo inozadza mukaha pakati pechinyakare UPS magetsi uye zvakajairika 2400W pure sine wave inverter mhinduro..

  • Embedded Power System 3u dc 48v 150A inoshandura magetsi

    Iyi mhando Embedded Power System inoiswa zvakanyanya munzvimbo yeTelecom/Industrial nhasi, chizvarwa chitsva “Green & Energy Saving” system, yakanangana nekunze low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, kusangana nemaitiro eTelecom base station development, kuchengetedza mutengo wekuvaka uye kupfupisa nguva. Iyo sisitimu inochinjika zvakanyanya nenharaunda, zvinhu nehupamhi hwekushanda tembiricha siyana, kuzadzisa kudiwa kwevashandisi vepamusoro.

  • Imwe-chikamu Bwitt 48v kusvika AC220v 1000w yakachena sine wave inverter 1000w inverter ine snmp

    Telecom 48v 1000w pure sine wave inverter is a new generation of dual input inverter solution designed for the field of communication applications, iyo inokodzera kuvimbika kwepamusoro kwehurongwa hwekutaurirana. Mhinduro yacho ine 110V/220V/230V AC magetsi uye 110V DC magetsi ekupa., iyo inozadza mukaha pakati pechinyakare UPS magetsi uye zvakajairika 2400W pure sine wave inverter mhinduro..

Taura naKristin
kare 1902 mameseji

  • Kristin 10:12 AM, Nhasi
    Ndafara kugamuchira meseji yako, uye iyi ndiyo mhinduro yaKristin kwauri