DC magetsi ekushandisa Kushandisa inverter 6000w 110v ac kune dc magetsi magetsi DC Power Supply: Chii? Inoshandiswa Kupi? Inverter yakachena sine wave 3000w 110Vdc 120Vac 1-6KVA inverter 6000w…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZADc to ac inverter Benefit of 1KVA-6KVA Dc to ac inverter Check How do inverters convert DC electricity to AC? Rack mount inverter 220V DC TO 110V AC 1KVA-6KVA Dc to ac inverter…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAPanel LCD display graphical representation instruction 1.1LCD display and function keys interface can display the equipment working status, zvakaita se: kupinza / kubuda voltage, frequency, grid mode, inverter mode, bhatiri simba, mutoro wekutakura, alarm warning…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZA48Vdc &220Vdc Modular parallel inverter Pasina Bhatiri Pure Sine Wave Inverter 3kw Modular Inverter Modular Inverter Kuburikidza neshanduko pane inopinza DC simba., iyo Pure Sine inverter inopa vashandisi kugadzikana uye Kwete-kukanganiswa…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAIyi mhando Embedded Power System inoiswa zvakanyanya munzvimbo yeTelecom/Industrial nhasi, chizvarwa chitsva “Green & Energy Saving” system, yakanangana nekunze low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, meeting the trend of…