Relay switching switching ine zvinotevera zvakanakira: 1. Kuparadzaniswa nemagetsi: Relay...
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAMagetsi 220VAC DC 48V-50AS Modular rectifier yakagadziridzwa 48v 100a 50a magetsi emagetsi Chigadzirwa Zita Magetsi 220VAC DC 48V-50AS Modular rectifier yakagadziridzwa 48v 100a 50a magetsi Chikumbiro Telecom chiteshi, Transmission equipment, zviteshi zvemagetsi…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZARectifier 220V AC 48V DC 1.8KW 100 amp dc magetsi ekupa Modular Telecom Rectifier System Embedded DC Power System inoiswa zvakanyanya munzvimbo yeTelecom/Industrial nhasi.. Iyo system inogona kuumbwa ne…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZA2U 19'' Rack AC-DC 360AS switching dc125v magetsi emagetsi 1500w Mvura Isingapindi Mukati Rondedzero Modular rectifier Sisitimu ndeye modular Yakawedzera-inogoneka simba system yakavakirwa pazvivharo zvekuvaka zvese zviri zviviri. 19 inch system mhinduro.…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZASingle phase high frequency BWT220V/48-80AS switching power supply BWT220V/48-80AS switching power supply Embedded Power System is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, chizvarwa chitsva “Green & Energy Saving” system, aiming at…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAAC220V TO DC24V-30AS Embedded Power System rectifier system for telecom This 220Vac/24Vdc-30AS Embedded Power Syste is widely deployed in the Telecom/Industrial environment today, chizvarwa chitsva “Green & Energy Saving” system, aiming at…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZABWT220/220-10AS -100AS Rectifier system ac dc power supply Modular rectifier System is a modular Extra-able power system based on building blocks for both 19 inch system solutions. It is consist of Rectifier module…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAModular Rack Mount Rectifier System 110VDC 220VAC switching power supply RCT-2000 modular rectifier system is widely deployed in the telecom/industrial field. It provide telecom power technology to modulate voltage for DC load and…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAIyi mhando Embedded Power System inoiswa zvakanyanya munzvimbo yeTelecom/Industrial nhasi, chizvarwa chitsva “Green & Energy Saving” system, yakanangana nekunze low power mobile Telecom/Industrial power market, meeting the trend of…
Verenga zvimwe WEDZERA PAKUBVUNZAKuchinja Kwemagetsi Chii chiri Kuchinja magetsi uye mashandisiro azvo? Maitiro ekusarudza Shanduko yeSimba Yekugovera Green & zvakatipoteredza ushamwari. Nekusefa kwakanaka uye kudzivirira maitiro, super low low electromagnetic radiation;…